Beatriz Núñez - Costa Rica

Beatriz Nunez started working as a journalist in 2005.  For the past 12 years she has worked for Puro Motor, the most important media group in Costa Rica dedicated to the auto industry and to motor sports.

The company currently has the Puro Motor print magazine which is published every two months, they have the website (around 45,000 visits per month) and they have a social media presence on Facebook (nearly 500,000 followers) Instagram, Twitter and You Tube.

She says she has always been interested in cars, or what she calls a ‘special affinity’ even when she was at school.  She’d research brands and models during her holidays. When she graduated from university she started working in motor sport and later progressed to the motor industry.

Her father and brother have an interest in motorcycles but they are not involved in an official motor sport competition so what Beatriz has achieved has been largely through her own initiatives. “I am proud of that,” she says.  “I would like to be an example for many women and men who are studying journalism, and with a little bit of effort they can shine in no traditional areas”.

In Costa Rica she is the only woman 100% professionally dedicated to motoring and motor sport through journalism. It’s still not common to see women in this category in Latin America and the motor industry is still considered male-oriented.

Sometimes, women ask her advice.  They will ask her opinion on cars when they’re on the street or they write letters or make contact through social media networks.

As a hobby, Beatriz has raced karts, she has completed driving courses with Porsche and with Isuzu (4×4).

She lives in Costa Rica’s capital, San José.  She has played volleyball most of her life, she likes to head to the mountains, go hiking, and play with her dog, and she enjoys the beaches the country has to offer. 

Her appointment to the jury will, she says, be a ‘pleasant surprise’ in her country and will give her work greater credibility. “It’s another source of pride,” she says.  “There are many women who work as track officials, women who love cars, women who are part of sporting authorities and I am sure it will be great news that I am on this jury.”

Facebook: Beatriz Nunez Camacho

Instagram: beatriznc

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